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Enlightening Investigation Crew

Florissant, MO 63031

Contact Name Heather
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Year Founded 2014
Number of Members 6
Areas Served 
St. Louis metro


Our team of empaths bring light to the darkness, and communicate with the energy, or entity, if you will, with the intention of getting an understanding of why the energy is there, and encourage it to move on to the other side. We also offer a cleansing of the site after the investigation.

Enlightening Investigation Crew (EIC) is a paranormal investigating team from Missouri and Illinois, founded by Regina’s Realm, to help others in understanding the paranormal, and to support individuals who have paranormal activity in their lives. Our main objective is to assist clients in finding and understanding any paranormal activity that may be going on, using empathic and scientific approaches.

We collect as much available evidence as possible during our investigations, not so much to prove that something is there or not - Paranormal State & Tapes have done a fine job of that already – but to get to the bottom of any paranormal activity that may be present. Investigation findings can, sometimes, result in no paranormal activity at all – the feelings people have reported can be explained by several things, including electromagnetic fields.

The EIC takes only a few cases a year so we can give each case our undivided attention. We do not charge for our services, and we provide support before, during and after the investigation. Keep in mind all cases are different, and results will vary. A preliminary walk through is required before any case is put on the books for investigation. Your case can be anonymous.

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