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Sacramento Paranormal Intuitive Research Investigation Team

Sacramento, CA 95825

Contact Name Melissa Lockett
Phone 916-363-3165
Email Email
Website Website
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Twitter Twitter @sacspiritteam
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Founder Melissa, Wendy, Brent, Jon
Year Founded 2015
Number of Members 5
Areas Served 
Greater Sacramento area, much of Northern California & parts of Nevada.

Identifying unexplained activity and providing real solutions and answers to solve the problem and bring peace to all. As well as documenting evidence of the paranormal. Psychic mediums, empaths, Reiki Masters, Intuitives, sensitives, psychology, skeptics and technology are part of the investigation process.

Identifying causes of unexplained activity whether it be paranormal or not. Providing solutions and finding answers through scientific methods as well as metaphysical. Assisting others to find answers and to bring validation and peace to those living and beyond. Documenting and presenting good evidence is a priority.

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