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Eastern Society of Paranormal Investigations

Cherry Creek, NY 14723

Contact Name Diane Bonesteel
Phone 716-499-9087
Alternate Phone 716-499-2227
Fax 716-296-8134
Email Email
Email Alternate Email
Website Website
Founder Diane Bonesteel
Year Founded 2011
Number of Members 4
Areas Served 
East Coast. Western NY. Anywhere we are needed.

We are diverse in many areas with on call people as needed in the paranormal and spiritual fields.

We are a team of 4 professional nurses, who use science, an open mind and common sense to find answers. Our goal is to help our clients find peace, educate them and bring them answers to their questions while being empathetic, understanding and most of all maintaining their privacy, if they so choose. But we also have great respect and understanding to all those in the spirit world as well and go as far as we can to help them accept and move on. We use both old and new methods to investigate. E-S-P-I Believes...we want others to as well. We are not for profit, and we plan on holding classes in our community to teach others.

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