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Paranormal Research and Mediumship for Loving Purposes

Knoxville, TN 37917

Phone 8286682140
Website Website
Year Founded 2013
Number of Members 29
Areas Served 
Globally via the net, Knoxville area

Channeling Earthbound Spirits and assisting them to move on. Teaching people how to connect to their guides.

The goal of this group is 2 fold. One is to teach people that there are spirits who are just people without a physical body who are in a condition of love that is higher than us and so we can receive guidance on how to become more loving and thereby make our lives better.

The other goal of this group is to talk to earthbound spirits and assist them to be free of this affliction by helping them address the emotions the help keep them earthbound. This process is best described below when I do house calls and assist people who may have "possessions" or any uncomfortable spirit interactions.

(Also videos of what we do can be viewed at )

How we assist people:

Assisting Spirits On Earth and in The Spirit World

For me spirits are just like you and I. They mostly have the same attitudes, beliefs, fears, pains and worries that they had while on earth. They are people without an earthly body. They have a spirit body that reflects their condition of love ranging from dark to light just like us.

I usually come into contact with spirits that are with a person, sometimes the person is aware of the spirit but often not. I either work alone or often more effectively with another medium. In this situation, one of us will allow the spirit to talk through one of us while the other talks with the spirit. This allows for clearer communication by minimizing our thoughts with the spirits thoughts while interacting with them.

Many of the spirits I encounter are often in a poor state and are often being in: pain; feeling distrustful or disorientated-sometimes to the point that they don’t even realized they've passed and so on. For many, the places they inhabit are often dark or very dull. They often have no idea of where they are or why they are there and assumed they are being punished by God. The spirit world is not what they expected, for there is much misinformation about it here on earth. Many gained beliefs while on earth where they expected to see Jesus, Saint Peter, Allah, the Devil, angels with harps or wings etc. but instead ended up in environs that are totally alien to what was expected. Wouldn’t you have feelings of confusion if this happened to you? Many spirits have been in this state for many years, sometimes hundreds of years. Some have been alone for so long they do not even remember their own name and may even start to doubt if the even exist.

In my experiences they are not often malevolent (although some are, including very dark ones that scare other spirits into acting negatively on a person). Just as in life here on earth there are a mix of supposedly ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people in the spirit world and those that are earthbound. Often spirits try and help the person they are with or at least think they are helping, but this is often not really the outcome. The results of such spirit actions on us still on earth usually have negative conscequnces which can include illnesses and depression. Many times they are not aware of why they are drawn to a person, as opposed to those that seek a person out on the earth.

The important parts in assisting spirits for me are; gaining the spirits’ trust, treating them as people, getting to know them a little, who they are, where and when they lived, how they died/passed, why they are with the person, to feel some of the emotional issues they have and to have compassion for them. I am as honest as I can be with them in my interactions about how I'm feeling and what I see and feel to be going on, for truth can be very helpful to any spirit.

In short I attempt to treat the spirit as a person and as lovingly as I’m able to. I also allow myself to be humble and feel whatever gets triggered in me to come up and allow myself to shake in fear or cry, etc. I have learnt that it is never an accident as to who I talk with or channel - there is always an issue that resonates with my own stuff. This is critical in building a rapport and trust because though the spirit is in a confused state, their perciveing abilities are far sharper then ours where they can read our minds and feelings quite clearly. If they feel we are trying to hide something they will be reluctant to open up to a loving conversation where healing can happen for all parties concerned.

I try to remember to pray to God about serving my brothers and sisters, and ask my Celestial Guides for help, before and during the interaction. They will often prompt me with images of the spirit’s life that led to their pain/fear etc. and/or prompt me with questions to ask the spirit. Sometimes they will directly assist the spirit if the spirit chooses this.

I can often see/feel the spirits’ condition as to how dark or bright they are, what their spirit body looks like (many have not seen or do not wish to look at themselves because is the lower spheres most spirits have grotesque looking spirit bodies). I do not do any healing myself. I often encourage the spirit to do their own healing. By being humble myself, it is often easier for the spirit to connect to their own emotional injuries. If they manage to connect to some of their grief by even having short cry etc. can often bring immediate results in their spirit body with a reduction in pain and an increase in their brightness. A humble setting encourages exposure of such wounds which leads to healings.

The other effective way I assist spirits is by encouraging the them to trust the brighter spirits that are always in the vicinity and ready to help, explaining that they are brighter because they have a higher level of love in them and can help them far more than I can. Sometimes these brighter spirits are in pairs or groups (depending on the number of spirits potentially seeking help) and have had similar injuries/issues in their past as the spirit needing help and are thus well qualified to assist. Sometimes these brighter spirits are family or from the spirits’ life on earth, but have progressed higher in the spirit world. These brighter spirits will not intervene until the spirit has a willingness to seek help by becoming humble. The brighter spirits can often take a spirit wanting help, to show them better places in the spirit world that they can aspire to and explain how to get there. The really bright ones are absolutely beautiful to see and feel, they emanate a huge amount of Love. They always look very young regardless of the age they attained on earth.

Not all spirits choose to talk with us or to seek help. Sometimes it may take several discussions to gain a spirits trust.

Sometimes a spirit will come back and thank us and tell a little of their progress.

Unless the reason for a person drawing a spirit to them is addressed (the cause of the attraction), just ‘moving a spirit on’ will probably just allow another unknown spirit, possibly with worse motives to be drawn to the person.

This whole process not about me (it has been sometimes in the past when I had unloving desires surrounding my mediumship). It is simply about having love and compassion and gaining a spirits trust, giving a little information and hopefully connecting them with those in the spirit world that can assist them. Depending on the spirit I’m guided by what I feel or by my Celestial Guides on what to say.

There is much more to it and each interaction is different, some brief, some lasting hours, often there are many other spirits watching (sometimes in the quantity of thousands or millions of souls are earthbound due to false polarized belief systems of earth). It is not uncommon many spirits go off at one time with brighter spirits guiding them for the forst time. It is sometimes awesome to be involved and witness these interactions, especially when all involved (me included) connect with their injured selves and some healing occurs. Also currently humanity in general is highly influenced in a negative way due to the millions of spirits in a earthbound condition, and getting them the loving help they need will result in a increase of love for all of humanity. After all they are our brothers and sisters.


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