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Servicing all the province of Ontario
Our goal is to first sit down to discuss with you and talk about the activity claims. We always investigate a place with a signed contract, we are a 'Legal Bonded Paranormal Team'. We always do a historical case study of the area before any investigation. We then will bring in our equipment and document your establishment. After studying our results we will bring forward the results of the investigation. We'll never try to disprove the case but rather try to explain in the best scientific way possible. We prefer to come in to companies after hours (if possible),that way there is less chance of contamination of evidence. ?We respect rules set by the owners, such as museums that do not allow flash photography. The Ouija Board is never used, it's for your safety and ours. No information we discover will be given out to anyone or posted on our website. Please let us know if you have had any other teams in the past. If you are religious, we must know about it, we work with your rules. It could take more than just one visit. If you need your place cleansed we can do this for you, but it is the Native way. With far distance cases that require overnight accommodations, we may ask that you cover 1 night for us. We are not here to entertain your party guests, we ask you provide genuine claims of activity before we enter your location.
Ontario Gay Paranormal Society was founded in early 2010. We are Ontario's first openly gay paranormal team, breaking down the walls where they need to be in the paranormal world as well as the LGBT community. Ontario Gay Paranormal Society is here to help people with paranormal encounters that you are being faced with in any community Gay, Lesbian, Bi-sexual or Straight! We cover Southwestern and Northern Ontario. Investigating Paranormal Claims from companies/businesses, historic buildings/areas and homes. Official Ghost Adventures Crew (Travel Channel) Family Members (April 2012)
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