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Ottawa, an prior, Pembroke, almonte, Carleton place Perth Cornwall and many more
Haunted Ottawa Paranormal Society (H.O.P.S.) is a dedicated FREE VOLUNTEER ORGANIZATION of people who do not have any preconceived or established beliefs about the paranormal. Together, we have a combined 25 years of paranormal experience. We are open-minded about ideas, beliefs, and further research and experimentation. Like most paranormal investigators around the world today, we are always learning and gathering knowledge as we explore and investigate reported hauntings around Ontario. We make our findings publicly available whenever possible so that the public can also share in our knowledge and discoveries. H.O.P.S. was formed in 2001 and is one of the first groups to offer public membership. H.O.P.S is dedicated to providing paranormal evidence from around North America. We conduct paranormal investigations scientifically and present our results as consistent as possible a method that many others do not use. In all cases, we will not jump to any conclusions but leave room for our community to brainstorm. We are committed to authenticating evidence and documenting the existence of paranormal activity through audio, video, and other electronic means by using scientific equipment and reproducible methodologies, we are able to conduct comprehensive investigations which allow us to interpret and analyze the evidence collected and then present our findings to stakeholders. In applying skepticism to our investigations, we seek to dispel cultural and social bias that is often associated with reports of paranormal activity. Our view is that true skepticism is not about dismissing claims of unusual events but rather in gathering all available evidence and assessing the findings on their own merit.
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