Southwest Oklahoma, northern Texas; Lawton Oklahoma; Immediate area of services is: Jackson County Oklahoma including: Altus, Blair, Duke, Eldorado, Elmer, Friendship, Headrick, Martha, Olustee, Victory, and Prairie Hill
Priority One cases are: paranormal, preternatural, and negative cases involving children
Level Two Priority cases: negative cases
Level Three cases: paranormal, preternatural, and supernatural cases for those who wish to be free of these except for the supernatural (supernatural are cases like stigmata, angelic visitation, "going to heaven")
Level Four are the same as level three except you only want to know if something is happening or if there is a logical explanation to what is happening, this is not considered urgent or an emergency
Level Five: this is Not considered urgent or an emergency; this is anyone wanting an investigation just for fun, but professionally
Level Six: prank calls and Non-contact availability will Not be taken, to contact you we need your name, working email, working business and/or personal number, or physical mailing address; preferably your name and most available contact number by which we can reach out to you; giving a number out of service and email that says access denied will result in no investigation; if you are helping a friend or loved one who has no internet or active number please inform both parties
If you would like to see your investigation on YouTube, by your expressed permission and signed legal documents we will consider it open- public and put it on YouTube; if you wish to remain anonymous or private, by your expressed permission we will consider it Classified to the general public and Confidential between Parties along with legal documents, in which it may only be shared by any legal authority requiring such documents.
If you request an open-public investigation and the nature or outcome results in a negative way or impact the Founder shall have the Right to change the request to Private in which it will not be shown on YouTube for public domain; for all video of activity to all clientele is: Viewer Discretion is Advised |
We have Agents who are enthusiastic about helping others and we have Special Agents who have a specific set of skills, for a wide variety of cases; we can help civilians, government, military, and religious societies; private and public. the password to our Official Website is "preyonevil" exactly as spelled, no spaces; only the owner of the site may alter the site; All clientele may request an investigation from there as well as all listed info above
The Founder is a Special Agent in that he is a professional and experienced exorcist/deliverance minister and he is well versed in spiritual warfare |
We are neither a non-profit organization, nor a not-for profit organization; we are a Free-Volunteer Organization, an Agency of Special Operations: Phenomena; we investigate in many fields of study which include but are not limited to: Para-psychological, Preternatural, Supernatural, Paranormal, and negative (demonic) activity; all services are Free-of-Charge. If we can help or assist you, especially in the cases of Negative Hauntings and cases involving children please let us know; thank you.
Do to our Office phone being offline, you may instead call the Founder at his personal number at 580-471-7649, voicemail is set up, please leave your name, number, and brief discription of your reports of activity. We do check our email and website every day; so please don't hesitate to call (leave a message), email, mail, or request an investigation by our websites listed above. Thank you for your time. |