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Southern Tier Research Into Paranormal Events

Gowanda, NY

Contact Name Lydia Delano
Email Email
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Website Website
Founder Tom Delano
Year Founded 2007
Number of Members 12
Areas Served 
All of Western New York. Erie, Pennsylvania area on request.

We investigate venues of all sizes such naval ships, museums, amusement parks, historical sites, churches, and private homes.

We are a group who follows the scientific method of paranormal investigation, but we also have two mediums on our team. Most of our team members have personnally experienced paranormal events. We approach each investigation with respect and sensitivity. We never provoke. It is our goal to find out the reason for unexplained activity and to do something about it. We have helped spirits move on at the request of our clients. All investigations remain private unless the client agrees other wise. We do not at any time charge for our services, nor do we accept donations. Please email us to request our help.

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