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Carolina Spiritual Investigations

Graham, NC 27253

Contact Name Jonathan Nelms
Phone 3362127829
Email Email
Year Founded 2001
Number of Members 4
Areas Served 
North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, Florida, other areas by request

blessings, cleansings, exorcisms, paranormal investigations, parapschology, psychic research, spiritual research

Fully trained and initiated as clergy in multiple spiritual practices, we have been performing in paranormal studies for years years. Born with an intuitive psychic connection, we have performed cleansings, exorcisms, blessings, readings, and other rituals in connection with the paranormal and spiritual. In addition to the paranormal connections, we also work heavily in psychology, parapsychology, research, and engineering technology to uncover any events around investigations. We work to resolve any problems from multiple perspectives. If we are able to help, we will do so.

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