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Dark Side Investigations

Kansas City, MO

Phone 8162101193
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Website Website
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Founder Brian and Melissa Greer
Year Founded 2014
Number of Members 5
Areas Served 
We serve the Kansas City metropolitan area as well as locations within a couple hours drive of Kansas City. We are not against traveling farther distances, or we can help you find a group closer to your area.

First and foremost, we attempt to find logical, non-paranormal explanations to what is happening at a location. If we are unable to logically explain what is going on, we use multiple techniques ranging from our own senses, attempting to capture EVPs, video, non-electronic techniques (pendulum, dowsing rods), electronic techniques (K2, Mel-Meter, REM pod, motion sensors, Ovilus, spirit box, apps, SLS camera, grid lights), plus we have a sensitive on our team.

Please contact us via email "" or via our facebook page and one of our members will contact you for further information. Thank you for considering DSI for your paranormal questions and concerns!

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