We're a non profit paranormal group located in the midlands of S.C., we have a combined 25 plus years of experience researching, investigating residential, commercial, and historical locations from the up state down to the low country. We are not thrill seekers, we are a family oriented group our mission is to help people understand what is beyond what the eye can see.
Need help? Want Help? look no further, We will help you!
Do you get that feeling you're not alone when you are? Do you experience cold spots that run cold chills through your body? Do you see things that you can't explain from the corner of your eye? Do you have strange smells that come and go? Do your pets react to things you can't see? We may have the answers your searching for.
We are a unique group of individuals that come together and create a strong team. We are dedicated to researching and investigating the paranormal. We strive to find answers and develop a resolution for the problem. Everyone in the group has an area that they specialize in and committed to helping people out. |