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Southern Lancastrians Investigating Mysterious Events

Mountville , PA 17554

Contact Name Kelsey
Phone 5702949699
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Website Website
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Founder Kelsey Haldeman & Olivia Soltzfus
Year Founded 2016
Number of Members 1
Areas Served 
Lancaster and surrounding counties

SLIME, is dedicated to helping clients determine what is going on in their home or business, whether it be paranormal or not, free of charge. We consider this a "Cause", because sometimes events that a client is experiencing are so upsetting, that they need help to either put their minds at ease, or deal with the problem, so we come in and listen to their concerns, look for natural explanations, attempt to document the paranormal activity (if there is any), and then help the client move on from there. We also enjoy hosting events at known haunted locations where the public can get involved, become informed, and explore the possibilities of a spirit-world.

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