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Shadow Light Paranormal Investigation

San Antonio, TX 78214

Contact Name Rogelio Escobar
Phone 512.557.1838
Email Email
Website Website
Founder Rogelio Escobar
Year Founded 2011
Number of Members 5
Areas Served 
San Antonio and South Texas

Research and understanding activity whether paranormal or not. ONLY HARD EVIDENCE IS CONSIDERED. We do not use psychic practices nor do we practice rituals such as seances or excorcisms.

Shadow Light Paranormal and its team members are dedicated to helping you understand your experiences with the unexplained. We believe that apparitions, voices and other phenomena associated with the paranormal are true events that can be documented using audio recordings, video and photography. We also believe, as theory suggests, that these events can directly influence the general ambience of a room such as climate and magnetic field.

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