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NightWish Paranormal Society

Terrace Heights, WA

Contact Name Denise Woodland
Website Website
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Founder Denise Woodland / Stacy McLean
Year Founded 2005
Number of Members 5
Areas Served 

NightWish Paranormal Society researches all things relating to the paranormal field ie: Ghosts & Other Spiritual Entities, Extraterrestrial Life & UFOs, Cryptids, Earth Mysteries, Planetary & Moon Anomalies ( Including Lunar & Solar ), Orb's & Mist.

NightWish Paranormal Society is a non-profit research group dedicated to searching the unknown and beyond. We provide a comprehensive approach to paranormal investigations. We utilize a variety of electronic equipment, such as the following types: the EMF meter (electro magnetic field); digital thermometer, handheld and static digital video cameras such as thermo graphic (or infrared) and night vision; digital audio recorder; EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) and computer. We conduct historical research & witness interviews as well as an extensive interview with the client.

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