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S&L Paranormal

Marissa, IL 62257

Contact Name Shay Kempfer
Phone 6183172408
Email Email
Founder Shay Kempfer & Lindsey Cross
Year Founded 2011
Number of Members 2
Areas Served 
We will try our best to serve all areas possible. We usually do not charge for our services, however if we must travel a very long way to your home or property we must charge for traveling expenses. But, even still, we will not empty your pocket book!

Malevolence and darker situations. while we research and investigate all situations, we are very learned in malevolent or evil hauntings and how to rid them from you or your home.

Mr group consists only of myself and my partner Lindsey Cross. We have both been in tune with the spiritual realm since early childhood. we use digital voice recorders and one or two small video cameras for any evidence that we may find. we also agree to any confidentiality agreement you may have. but we will ask to use the evidence we find for promoting ourselves or further studies.

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