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Experienced Paranormal Investigations

Raymore, MO 64012

Contact Name Erick
Phone 8163880428
Email Email
Email Alternate Email
Founder Medium Erick Couts II
Year Founded 2013
Number of Members 1
Areas Served 
Belton and surrounding areas. Will travel for fuel compensation and maybe dinner to sit and talk about what's going on.

Persistent hauntings, psychic ability problems, schizophrenia (it's connected and misdiagnosed); will help when no other will.

When you're looking for help, you shouldn't be turned away. When all of your friends and family refuse to listen, you'll have a friend right here anytime night or day. EPI can relate. Your information will not be shared, I won't invade your home with equipment that's not required. I'm there to help you co-exist through an honest approach learned from spirits instead of physical beings. Remember, they have thoughts and feelings just the same as we all do. Treat them as such.

Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is this information to be used to contact me for ads or offers.

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